تشفير الرابط الخاص بك وحماية الرابط من الفيروسات والبرامج الضارة واللص ، إلخ! جعل رابطك آمن للزيارة.

Blogging for Beginners – How To Create A Blog (Screenshots Included)

   This blogging for beginners guide contains basic and detailed steps on how to create a blog and make money blogging in the shortest possible time.
Here is a list of what you’ll learn.

How to set up a domain name and hosting for your blog!

How to install a free SSL Certificate for HTTPS Protocol. How to install WordPress and a theme. How to drive traffic to your blog. How to make money blogging. Learn How To Get Traffic To Your New Blog Today Chances are, you’re not going to get much traffic from Google within the first few months of launching your blog. Some people say that Google starts referring traffic to your website after six months. Assuming that’s true, how are you going to get traffic before Google recognizes your blog? Problem solved. Get the guide below and learn how other bloggers direct traffic to their blogs. Traffic Blueprint For New Blogs Is your blog not growing fast enough? Learn how to exponentially grow your following and traffic on Pinterest. Start seeing traffic spikes in weeks after following the strategies that worked for me in this guide. download now Traffic Blueprint For New Blogs Is on it's way to your email. Cheers! Before you start generating traffic, you need to set up your blog to maximize conversions. You need to convert those visitors into email subscribers.. ...so you could build up your email traffic base and email your subscribers anytime you have a new blog post up. ConvertKit is the email list building tool I recommend for bloggers aspiring to go professional. sign up for CONVERTKIT Traffic Blueprint For New Blogs You're ready to know what other bloggers do to generate traffc Get instant access Data submitted will be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy My blog is still pretty new. I’m not getting much traffic from Google.
Knowing that traffic is the lifeblood of every online business, these first few months of blogging is supposed to be ‘slow and painful’ for me, right? Wrong. Well, for a time it was slow and painful until I discovered how to generate traffic to my blog outside Google, and it’s not through Facebook or Twitter. Traffic is the lifeblood of every online business. Click to Tweet Like you, I knew I currently had no chance of ranking on Google’s top three pages for competitive keywords because of the low Domain Authority of my young blog. So I began building my audience on Pinterest, and it quickly became my main source of traffic. You may ask me why not Facebook and Twitter? Truth is, the organic reach on these sites have dwindled badly. According to WebPageFX, every tweet on Twitter lasts up to 24 minutes, and a Facebook post will give you 90 minutes of visibility in the News Feed. However, a pin in Pinterest can last up to 151,200 minutes. My pins on Pinterest reached people that weren’t even my followers, providing the perfect opportunity for bloggers like us who want to grow our blog organically without spending a dime on Facebook Ads or Google Ads. There’s an art to generating traffic from Pinterest, though. That’s why I’ve put together this super short guide on how to generate traffic to your blog. Without traffic, there’s no hope of ever making money from your blog. I outlined all the strategies that are currently working for me on Pinterest, so all you need to do is download the Traffic Blueprint For Blogs to explode traffic to your blog, especially for new blogs. Traffic Blueprint For New Blogs Is your blog not growing fast enough? Learn how to exponentially grow your following and traffic on Pinterest. Start seeing traffic spikes in weeks after following the strategies that worked for me in this guide. download now Traffic Blueprint For New Blogs Is on it's way to your email. Cheers! Before you start generating traffic, you need to set up your blog to maximize conversions. You need to convert those visitors into email subscribers
